Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Marylou's shoot part 3

I got my photos back today, as I worried many of them came out too blurry, too dark or our of focus, but many still did come out. I had better luck with the b&w photos than I did on the color considering that they speed of the film was a lot faster. There were a few that I really liked and others that I think could be good with a little editing.
We'll see what happens

Marylou's shoot part 2

Well I finally talked Marylou into doing a photo shoot with me. I believe that I said earlier that I found a place that I really liked and wanted to do photos there. My plan was to show up about an hour before the sunset, allowing for thirty mins for make up, an hour of shooting with the sun and then about an hour of shooting after the sunsets. We ended up getting the make up started later than I had hoped as well as it taking a little longer than expected. We started shooting at about 8:20 which was only 20mins before the sun went down. I used many different types of film for these photos. We used 5 roles; 3 b&w and 2 1/2 color. All of the color film was Kodak 800 but I used Ilford 400 & 3200 and Kodak 3200 for the b&w. From the start I was a little worried about the lighting but thought it might be fine with the lights that were around.
Marylou started off a little shy but quickly got into it. She brought many different things that would work with ideas that she had.
I think that we got some pretty good shoots. There were many ideas that we all liked.
Amanda did a great job at the make up and Marylou did a great job at modeling.

Marylou's shoot part 1

So it has been a while since I've updated my blog so right now I am going to update it in three parts; website, photo shoot, and what came out of the photo shoot. Here is part 1

I have added more photos to my website and changed the format a little. I shrank the each photo down to 150px from 250px. I also changed the format of the profile photos making them landscape. Because of this i was giving a lot more room on the page to add some more photos. Now each page had 18 photos to them. They are set up on a 3x6 layout which I think makes the whole page look better.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The week of April 4th

Haven't done too much this week. Today on Thursday I just got back from walking around Paris with my camera. Didn't take too many photo but I think that I might have gotten one good one.
Today I also worked on my "logo" for my website. Something simple but should work.