Tuesday, September 27, 2011

My new baby

I finally grew up and got myself a new digital camera. I wanted to get one that would last me a while and something that wasn't just a nice camera but actually a really good camera. Kendal offered me her old camera if I wanted to pay to get it fixed, but after I played with her replacement camera...I couldn't take it. I ended up getting her replacement camera: a Canon 60D! It's so pretty, I love it! Yesterday I went out and took some photos with it and had so much fun. It's nice to have a nice camera who's photos can be seen right away. I still love film and will keep taking cameras with my Pentax but it's nice to have two options for cameras.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Working on my portfolio

Since I just got back a large number of photos I decided to finalize my model portfolio. I decided that it might be a good idea to get a portfolio together to take over the the design school and try to get some work by talking to their stylists and models. I put together 20 photos of different models that I thought would go over well with a crowd from the design school. I tried to get a nice mix of photos together: high fashion, candid, nudes, different lighting... It was difficult to narrow it down to 20 photos but I think I did a good job of picking the best ones. I printed them out on A4 paper (because I was told that they would fit the portfolio books nicely). I ended up getting a much larger book and will have to tape the photos in. All in all they all look really nice printed out in a large format.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Finally Using my Photo Studio

It has been a while since I have posted here, but this does not mean that I have not been taking photos. A few weeks ago Kendal went to a study to do some photos that she wanted to do. She had a coupon for a private photo shooting that she had to book a few months ago. She wanted to do a Josephine Baker shot. They had a make up artist but no one to do her hair, which she ended up doing by herself. In the end she was only allowed to pick one photo that she liked and they will have it touched up and printed and given to her in a few weeks. Since she could only keep one we decided to do an impromptu photo shot at my place so that we could take advantage of her hair and make up. Last we a friend of mine asked me if I wanted to join her for a midnight walk around Paris to take photos. Having it been a while since I took photos of Paris at night I decide to join and see what we could get. Turns out she didn't really want to take photos of Paris but more wanted me to take photos of her. I wish she had told me this before hand so that I would have been able to load faster film into my camera as well as bringing some b&w film. We got a few good photos but it was too dark to do anything that I really liked. Shortly after that I was able to use the photo studio that I've been working at for the first time with Kendal very quickly before I had to go to work. That first day we were rushed and got a few but not many, and most of which we used Kendal's Cannon 60D. We went back and did a few more using a different Cannon camera as well as my 100 & 3200 Ilford film. We got some that we both really liked from the Cannon and just recently picked up the film. Loved them.